—Caulking When You Have No Caulk (Sean)
—"The carpet does match the drapes, but hidden beneath the carpet is my penis." (Jameson)
—Five bowls a day will give you orgasms so powerful they create a parallel universe where you are also having an orgasm. (Brandon)
—Fulfilling a lifelong dream, he retraced the path of Lewis and Clark with his finger on a small map. (Matt)
—If you put enough of them in her mouth, your wife will shut the hell up for once. (Mike)
—Far, far more full frontal nudity than could ever be considered necessary or desirable, even by people who are huge fans of full frontal nudity. (Joe)
—Transform Your Garage Into a Hobo Brothel (Brad)
—I Always Thought Salvador Dalí Had a Shitty Attitude (Jameson)
—The pungent aromas of fish guts, mildewed clothing, and sweaty ass are not the aphrodisiacs that all those Kanye West songs would lead you to believe they are. (Brandon)
—Eric Bana proves that Australians can still be sexy in outer space, contrary to what it says in the Bible. (Matt)
—He doesn't need Rapunzel to let down her hair, he grows his up. (Mike)
—Mad Men actress Christina Hendricks: Secretary of Hommina Hommina Hommina (Joe)
—Not nearly as many Keira Knightley types hanging around as Pirates of the Caribbean made it seem like there would be. (Sean)
—Uhura totally lets Kirk "boldly go where no man has gone before." (Brad)
—Richard Karn's Educated Guess: How Houses Are Built (Jameson)
—Have You Ever Looked Really Closely at a Black Man's Penis? (Brandon)
—He once kicked a soccer ball so hard it sent Pele back in time. (Matt)
—Always at sea during "Somali Pirate's Week" on Jeopardy! (Mike)
—Here's How a Husband Would Fix It (If You Had One, Which Is Something You Might Start Thinking About, Because It's Not Like You're Getting Any Younger) (Joe)
—I can't be sure, but I really think this mole on my neck has gotten smaller. (Sean)
—Unpleasant sequence in which Kirk waterboards an Ewok. (Jameson)
—Turning Your Outhouse Into an Inhouse (Brandon)
—He once arm-wrestled a bear on top of Mt. McKinley and won the right to mate with its sow. (Matt)
—A bowl a day helps men develop their own "honey nut." (Mike)
—Intern blowjob count holding steady at zero. (Joe)
—Lately My Wife's Vagina Has a Really Weird Smell (Jameson)
—Closing credit outtakes where Dom DeLuise's madcap behavior in the filming of various scenes cracks up Burt Reynolds. (Mike)
—He is only slightly more interesting than the second most interesting man in the world: Senator Jeff Merkley (D, OR). (Joe)
—Build a House Out of Nothing But Doors (Jameson)
—It Was My Understanding That There Would Be More Pleasure Robots By Now (Brandon)
Baron von Contributors: Sean Hecht, Brad Kruse, Brandon Kruse, Matt Kruse, Joe Mulder, Jameson Simmons, Mike Wagner
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