—Rhymes With Fuddruckers (Mike)
—Failed attempts to get a hug from Harrison Ford while wearing a Chewbacca mask. (Brandon)
—Got a dog? Well sir, now he's your primary care physician. (Matt)
—The failure of her daughter Bristol to preserve her pre-marital virginity by making use of the so-called "poophole loophole." (Joe)
—"If You Lived Here, You'd Be Diabetic By Now!" (Jameson)
—The Oscar statuette will be anatomically correct. Not in a threatening way, just enough to let you know he's there. (Sean)
—Harry Potter and the Chamber Pot of Secrets (Brad)
—Trekkie or Trebekkie? (Mike)
—The incorrect media portrayal that she supported hunting wolves from a helicopter; she actually endorsed hunting Wolf Blitzer. (Brandon)
—Get some of whatever Strom Thurmond had in his system. That dude was a zombie or a robot or one of them Highlanders, right? (Matt)
—"Really? Really?! Have You Seen Wisconsin?" (Joe)
—Harry Potter and the Restrained, Respectful Mourning of Michael Jackson (Jameson)
—Foreign films, independents, and documentaries will be judged together in the new category "Best Self-Indulgent Crap That Nobody Saw." (Sean)
—Group Glamour Shots. (Matt)
—Potent Scrotables (Joe)
—Harry Potter and the Senate Subcommittee Hearing on Steam Fitting and Trunk Sundries (Mike)
—Times taking the SAT and average score thereof. (Brandon)
—"The Place Where Big Fat Guys and Fat Big Guys Have Formed a More Perfect Union" (Matt)
—25% discount on all health care if you're willing to go to a doctor who is considered "pervy." (Joe)
—Her daughter's bastard son is no longer politically expedient, but he refuses to go away. (Jameson)
—Great Moments In Testicular Torsion (Sean)
—Harry Potter and the Time He Told the Hardy Boys to Go Fuck Themselves (Mike)
—The results of the 2008 Presidential Election. (Brandon)
—This might not have anything to do with the Senate, but he could try to convince Brett Favre to shit or get off the pot. (Joe)
—Harry Potter and the Odor of the Penis (Matt)
—If a movie isn't really that good, but just has a lot of dramatic moments to make it seem like an Oscar movie, it won't be considered for nomination. (Ha ha! Just kidding.). (Jameson)
—"Home of Pizza Water, Choco-Apples, and the New Donut Salad" (Brandon)
—Ends With "-igger" (Joe)
—An unhealthy obsession with Tina Fey will be covered. An unhealthy obsession with Tina Yothers will not. (Matt)
—The Hangover sets an irresponsible example of how to care for an infant, or a wild tiger. (Jameson)
—Oscar host will randomly select one person to be killed on the spot and immediately added to the end of the annual "In Memoriam" montage. (Joe)
—Harry Potter and the Adverb Adjective Noun of the Noun (Sean)
Baron von Contributors: Sean Hecht, Brad Kruse, Brandon Kruse, Matt Kruse, Joe Mulder, Jameson Simmons, Mike Wagner
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