—Original punchline to her "What's the difference between a pit bull and a hockey mom?" joke was "Slightly less pooping in the yard." (Brandon)
—The typical commuter is driving two or three cars at the same time. (Jameson)
—Long division still not more fun than masturbating. (Mike)
—Were simply trying to float up to heaven, because they weren't quite ready to say goodbye to Patrick Swayze. (Joe)
—The Extremely Hot Oven for Babies (Matt)
—I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm always checking to see if that "Show Me Your Cans" sign in my back window is having any effect. (Sean)
—First heard phrase "Drill, Baby, Drill!" while walking past daughter Bristol's bedroom. (Brad)
—No one will tell them how many texts there are in a tweet, and how many tweets are in a Facebook. (Brandon)
—Long-standing misapprehension that Brewster's Millions was a documentary. (Jameson)
—The Bourne Vespers of the 1st Lutheran Church of Tracy, MN (Mike)
—Much, much tougher to avoid stepping on his own pendulous, dangling scrotum than he remembered. (Joe)
—Balloon was sent as a message to all area hobos, that the Heenes were not a family to be trifled with. (Matt)
—He-She Man (Sean)
—The Bourne Weekend at Bernie's (Brandon)
—In addition to her ability to see Russia from Alaska, she can also hear Singapore and smell China. (Jameson)
—Secret Muslim (Mike)
—With the intrusive and inconvenient nature of security at our nation's airports, a giant plastic balloon covered in tinfoil is actually the easiest and most efficient way to travel through the air these days. (Joe)
—Bi-Curious George (Matt)
—Watching Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? has made them realize the bar for adult intelligence has been set pretty low. (Brandon)
—Stabzo, the Transformer that changes from a sharp, pointy robot into an even sharper, pointier robot (Jameson)
—His HMO considers "Hit from behind with a steel chair by Mr. Fuji" to be a pre-existing condition. (Mike)
—Are attempting in vain to decipher needlessly inscrutable vanity license plates. (Joe)
—Snoopy's Big Book of Holocaust Denial (Matt)
—The Bourne Yesterday (Brandon)
—Watching The Princess Bride on the built-in DVD player of the Escalade one lane over. (Jameson)
—Unable to locate America, real or otherwise, on a standard-issue globe. (Mike)
—The Bourne Unpleasantness (Joe)
—Most U.S. children have only 2 or 3 fingers on each hand, making them unlikely to be able to do anything other than question why they have so few fingers. (Matt)
—Stomp On My Scrotum Elmo (Sean)
—After she gives birth, she refuses to name the child until she gets absolutely bombed out of her mind on peyote. (Joe)
—Sucker Punch: The Board Game (Brandon)
—Probably shouldn't have named him Falcon. (Mike)
Baron von Contributors: Sean Hecht, Brad Kruse, Brandon Kruse, Matt Kruse, Joe Mulder, Jameson Simmons, Mike Wagner
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