—America's Most Sobering Home Videos (Sean)
—The 20th Hijacker Bar & Grill (Brandon)
—The Importance of Being Faux-Earnest (Joe)
—The Comedy Central Roast of Anne Frank (Mike)
—He has a colostomy bag and an ass that secretes an unnatural adhesive, so he is literally incapable of shitting or getting off the pot. (Tenessa)
—The Hamburglar is featured, but not shown stealing cheeseburgers. (Matt)
—Are You Lawyerin' Me? (Jameson)
—Make the sale of all cigarettes contingent upon first reading a book not written by a celebrity. (Brandon)
—Will soon allow flight attendants to draw cocks on the faces of passengers who fall asleep. (Joe)
—Unicellar Reproduction in Lower Mollusks: Just Another Tenet of the Progressive Agenda (Mike)
—The Seductive Peach Eater (Matt)
—A stand selling novelty President's Daily Briefings with "[Your Name Here] Determined To Strike in U.S." as the headline. (Jameson)
—The children must also be given ridiculous animal nicknames, like "Cobra" and "Goat." (Joe)
—Was that just two dudes dressed up as a horse? (Brandon)
—How I Met Your Mother's Sister, Who I am Secretly Banging (Mike)
—In England, cigarettes are called "fags;" I feel like we could do something with that. (Joe)
—His contractual obligations to Eggo require that he waffle on every decision he makes, big or small. (Matt)
—Construct Your Own Straw Man Opponent (Jameson)
—Late Night With David Letterman and a Young Staffer (Joe)
—The No Background Check Required Flight Training Academy (Brandon)
—Penises Have the Darndest Smells (Matt)
—Topics in Chalkboard-Based Paranoid Free-Association (Jameson)
—Play up the fact that Obama smokes; that'll make at least 60% of Americans want nothing to do with it. (Joe)
—Things take an unexpected turn when the pizza boy shows up at the sorority house. (Sean)
—The Depictions of Muhammed Art Institute (Brandon)
—The "Mile High Club" will make a quick transition from unofficial to official. And then, soon, to mandatory. (Joe)
—Lifetime for Women's Nothing but Farts! (Mike)
—The Misunderstood Upsides of Slavery (Tenessa)
—Every cigarette will now look like a hairy, flaccid penis. (Matt)
—Rob's House of Daily Streetwide Confetti Showers of Paper, Asbestos, Debris, and Human Ash was voted down before he even got through the proposal. (Jameson)
—CSI: Port Authority Bus Terminal (Brandon)
—Narrator finishes each sentence of voice-over with the phrase, "Or at least that's what I read on Wikipedia." (Joe)
—A building made entirely of fire. (Matt)
Baron von Contributors: Tenessa Gemelke, Sean Hecht, Brandon Kruse, Matt Kruse, Joe Mulder, Jameson Simmons, Mike Wagner
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