—50 Shades of Redd Foxx (Tenessa)
—Which of two equidistant cheeseburgers to eat. (The leading cause of starvation deaths in Ohio.) (Jameson)
—Senate candidates Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock, when asked to identify a vagina in a book full of miscellaneous pictures, respectively point to a coffee urn and a painting of a majestic winged lion. (Brandon)
—Guess Whom: The Game of Technically Correct But Unbearably Pretentious Public Grammar Correction (Joe)
—Obama's Birth Certificate, Now with Tits! (Dan)
—Team was under the impression that if they had Tebow on their roster, Peyton Manning would show up to replace him. (Mike)
—Fuck You, Larry! (Matt)
—Fiscal Norm (NORM!) (Brandon)
—"A black guy and a Mormon, huh? Boy, if Thomas Jefferson could see this, he'd be all like, 'Please, for the love of God, let me die! I'm 269 years old and trapped without end in this broken and decrepit shell of a body! What unholy curse has befallen me, that I must suffer in this manner??'" (Joe)
—Mitt Romney opens his Republican National Convention speech by saying, "Where my bitches at?" (Mike)
—Yoda to do weekly appearances on SportsCenter making NFL picks as "Yodstradamus". (Matt)
—Connect 872 (Tenessa)
—Pantsless, Partially Tumescent Jerry Lewis After a Couple of Scotches (Brandon)
—Whether the 2012 Arizona Cardinals are, in fact, contenders or pretenders. (Joe)
—"I'd like to bet $50 million dollars on Mitt Romney winning tonight's debate. My name? Uhhh, Orack Babama." (Mike)
—Crossover movie where Jar Jar Binks and Mater from Cars become best friends, which will almost certainly lead to a spike in murder-suicides. (Matt)
—Constantly whining that he can't throw passes in New York's thick, sea level air. (Jameson)
—Trivial Pursuit: Straight-Up Honky Edition (Brandon)
—"No, Governor Romney, I don't want to go back to your hotel room to 'check out the size of the overnight bump in your poll'." (Joe)
—Natural Consequences That We All Knew Were Coming Because of the Previous Budget Agreement (Mike)
—Named his fists Bartholomew and James (son of Alphaeus), when everybody knows those are the two lamest of the twelve disciples. (Matt)
—Whether or not the "Is This Anything?" segment on Late Show with David Letterman is anything. (Dan)
—Dick in a Box, But the Box is Nowhere Near Your Crotch (Brandon)
—Scrabble: All Vowels (Joe)
—"I don't see why the things I've been saying for the last 12 months should bind me to the things I am going to say tonight." (Mike)
—Running out of money, lacking proper support, and unwilling to continue a campaign under such uncertain conditions, Michele Bachmann is stunned to discover that she has become pro-choice. (Tenessa)
—Voters in Colorado and Washington agree to legalize forcing ducks to anchor news programs at gunpoint. (Brandon)
—Stalinda (that's where one half of you is dressed like Joseph Stalin, and the other half is dressed like a 1970s-era Linda Ronstadt) (Joe)
—During the third debate, an on-air fact check debunks Mitt Romney's claim that room temperature Snickers are superior to frozen Snickers. (Mike)
—Two years as an NFL quarterback, and he hasn't date raped ANYBODY! (Dan)
—"THAT'S President Obama?? I thought that was Don Cheadle!" (Brandon)
—"THAT'S Governor Romney?? I thought that was Don Cheadle!" (Jameson)
—The Grover Norquist Titty Twist (Matt)
Baron von Contributors: Tenessa Gemelke, Brandon Kruse, Matt Kruse, Dan Lee, Joe Mulder, Jameson Simmons, Mike Wagner
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